1850 - ?

The inaugural meeting of this new Suffolk Fine Arts' Association [and Art Union] was held in the Council Chamber of Ipswich Town Hall on 4 April 1850. (Ipswich Journal of 6 April 1850). 'The Suffolk Fine Arts Association held its first exhibition at the New Lecture Hall of the Mechanics' Institution, Ipswich on Wednesday 20 August 1850. At two o'clock in the afternoon, there was a private view for subscribers, when upwards of 100 were in attendance. At 8 o'clock in the evening, the Converzatione took place, which lasted until eleven o'clock, affording much gratification to those by whom it was attended. Lighted up with gas, the hall had a brilliant appearance. The Committee appeared to have been indefatigable in giving due éclat to the exhibition; the whole of the productions having been arranged with great taste, and with every disposition to set off the merits of the respective artists to the greatest advantage. Of the character of the exhibition, it was pronounced to have been first-rate, and far exceeding the expectations of its promoters. The landscapes, in oil, were regarded the most valuable, though the productions in water-colours contained a considerable number of exceptionally fine specimens. The London artists seem to have contributed the great bulk. Next in order came the productions of the Norwich artists, whilst the Ipswich artists, in point of number of contributors, stood third. As regards the latter, the deficiency created no surprise, this being the first exhibition of the kind in Ipswich. The success of the experiment this year, will, no doubt, act as a stimulus for the future.' Other than this newspaper advertisements, little is known. They did however have the original Suffolk Art Union and distributed funds in 1851. They seem to have merged with the Suffolk Fine Arts' Association and in 1853 with Sir William Fowle Fowle Middleton, 2nd Bart. (1784-1860) President and in the Forth Exhibition had added 'and Art Union' into their title which opened at the New Lecture Hall, Tower Street, Ipswich in early September. Frederick Brett Russell [sic], Hon. Secretary, Berners Street, Ipswich. Aug. 10, 1853.

Artists exhibiting *indicates that further detail of the Artist is needed, the others are noted in Suffolk Artists. 248 pictures and 15 sculptures were on show.
Joseph Clarke Archer
*Mrs R. Baine
'The Fake of Tiberias, or Sea of Galilee'
William Barclay
Frederick Barnes
the late George Barret
Ferdinand Henry Bischoff
Charles Ferdinand Bischoff
Henry John Boddington (Williams) 1811-1865
see under second child of Edward Williams
Henry Bright)
George Grosvenor Bullock
Robert Burrows
Charles Carver
John Chase
Thomas Churchyard
William Barnard Clarke
*Miss Cleaver
'Lavoir de l'Ancienne Brasserie, near Cherbourg'
'An Old Windmill'
'Chateau Margeaux, Normandy'
*S Collins (?Samuel Collins)
'Park Scene' watercolour
'Landscape with a Farmhouse' watercolour
Alfred Hitchens Corbould
Aster Richard Chilton Corbould
Frederick Cowie
Henry Davy
Dennis Wood Deane
Charles Dukes
*J W Eagle
'The Nest of a Sea Eagle' watercolour
*J Fairlie
'Overflowed Meadows at Pell Level, near Hastings' watercolour
'King William Street, City; taken during the alterations' watercolour
'The Cool Retreat' watercolour
'Reminiscences of Devonshire' six views watercolour
Katherine Georgiana Fonnereau
John Gale
Arthur Gilbert (Frederick Williams) (1819-1895)
see under fourth child of Edward Williams
Henry Browne Hagreen
William Noble Hardwick
William Havell
William Hemsley
Henry George Hine
David Hodgson
Robert James
Alexander Johnston
Henry Jutsum
William Kidd
Rosina Knight [Hickmott]
John Berney Ladbrooke
George Henry Laporte
Henry Frederick Leverett
Thomas Lindsay
William Linton
Thomas Lound
Thomas Herbert Maguire
Robert Mendham
John Middleton
Thomas Mogford
Edward Monson
George Belton Moore
William Oliver
Mrs William Oliver - Emma Sophia Oliver
Henry Perlee Parker
William Parrott
James Peel
Edwin Aaron Penley
Sidney Richard Percy (Williams) (1822-1886)
see under sixth child of Edward Williams
Richard Makilwaine Phipson
Henry James Pidding
Samuel Prout
John Anthony Puller
Samuel Read
William Richardson
Thomas Roods
Frederick Brett Russel
John Coulson Sammons
Frederick Sandys
John Smart
Edward Robert Smythe
Thomas Smythe
Archer Stanley
Caleb Robert Stanley
Charles Horace Stanley
Emily Stannard
James Stark
Thomas Felix Thomas
William Cave Thomas
John Thompson
Pauline Trevelyan
G G Watts exhibited same as George Frederick Watts?
George Frederic Watts
George Burrell Willcock
Alfred Walter Williams
Arthur Gilbert see Frederick Williams
under fourth child of Edward Williams
Edward Williams
Edward Charles Williams
George Augustus Williams
Sidney Richard Percy Williams
see under sixth child of Edward Williams
William Anthony Wilson
James Dignam Wingfield
Joseph Wolf
John Mallows Youngman
John Zeitter