2019 - ?

Gallery 142 was founded in 2019 as an artist led, pop-up space on Hamilton Road, Felixstowe, Suffolk. The '142 Team', Lisa Berry, Toby Mayhew and [An]Drew Whitemore, a drill artist, have taken on the challenge to bring artistic and creative energy to Felixstowe. They offer space and help to artists working in all genres at their exhibition gallery at 142 Hamilton Road, Felixstowe. Encouraging artists to share their process, skills, and work with the public, they also host exhibitions, competitions, and events throughout the year. Suffolk artists who have exhibited with Gallery 142 include Harriet Barber, Caroline Burgess, Catalina Carvajal, Jo Clavier, Joe Davey, Sarah Figlio, Robert Garnham, Amy Marie Gladding, Tammany Hunt, Stephen Kirin, Caroline Mackintosh, Katharine Moore, Lizzie Musson, Brenda Nash, Jim Nind, Sian O'keeffe, Lora Pattinson, Rebecca Pomroy, Mandy Renton, Teresa Seals, Nigel Shaw and Dorothy Stokes.