1968 - ?

Woodbridge Art Club was founded in 1968 and in 1974 found premises in the Old Granary complex which were opened in November 1976 and are one of the few amateur art clubs in the country to have its own gallery, studio, and pottery kiln. The ethos of the club is to encourage amateur artists of whatever standard, but membership is limited to 200 members. Weekly meetings every Wednesday evening with the opportunity to attend art classes, have exhibition space for own work and the use of studio facilities, pottery wheel and kiln. Annual exhibitions from Easter to September, every Saturday, Sunday, and Bank Holiday.
Website: https://www.woodbridgeartclub.org.uk

2020/21 Exhibitors not yet included
Nik Bestow
Roy Cooper
Ron Cushing
Stephen David
Rosie Evans
Judy Fitzpatrick
Joan Hardison
Iris Howard
Pauline Henry
Anne Ledgley
Jean Maxwell
Joan Moore
Sandra Smith
Henry Taylor
Jenny Taylor
Sandy Taylor
Anne Tobin
Gillian Whittle
Cathy Woodhead

Works by This Artist