1950 - ?

Glynis Littlejohn

As Glynis C. A. Steele, she was born at Ipswich in 1950, daughter of Basil Ivan Peter Steele (1930-4 April 2011). Glynis married in the Deben district of Suffolk in 2003, Stephen W. Littlejohn and paints under the name of Glynis Littlejohn. Glynis was a florist and, together with Stephen Littlejohn, exhibits at Art On the Prom at Felixstowe, Suffolk. Glynis is a member from 8 Old Kirton Road, Trimley St Martin, Felixstowe of the Felixstowe Art Group and exhibits at the former Bent Hill Gallery, Felixstowe; St Mary's Church Debenham and at Woodbridge Art Club, Suffolk. She works from photographs and from life and on commission from her studio at Old Kirton Road, Trimley St Martin, Felixstowe.

Works by This Artist