2013 - ?

Aldeburgh Lookout

Caroline Wiseman, together with her late partner, Francis Carnwath, purchased the little tower on Aldeburgh beach and the handsome blue house which overlooks it. The then newly restored Aldeburgh Beach Lookout, with thanks to Sir Antony Gormley, has a plaque to three people who have been important in its life, Sir Laurens van der Post, David Blix Andren, and Francis Carnwath CBE. The Arts Club Aldeburgh Beach at 31 Crag Path, Aldeburgh, was launched by Caroline and Francis in 2013 and combines elements of the Chelsea Arts Club and Gertrude Stein's arts salon. The club now has just over 250 members - including the most inspiring and influential of the London and Suffolk art scene. Members are invited to exclusive events here at the Lookout and Art House on Aldeburgh beach, including talks, concerts and suppers and lunches on the beach. Events are also held at houses all around Suffolk. There is a monthly newsletter which publicises the arts activities in Suffolk organised by members, as well as a monthly Arts Club lunch held at the East Coast Cafe in Aldeburgh. Suffolk members and exhibitors include Magda Archer, David Baldry, Kirstie Blackbenz, Perienne Christian, John Crossley, Alice-Andrea Ewing, Tim Fargher, Simon Gales, Lamorna Alice Good, Jude Hardy, Roger Hardy, Maggi Hambling, Susie Joyce, Tory Lawrence, Jamie Limond, Tessa Newcomb, Chris Newson and Tim Shepard.