Art in East Anglia aim is to make it as easy as possible for artists to show and sell their work and for art lovers to be able to own exciting, original artwork and support the wealth of talent in the region. Their online directory began as a small artist community and has grown into an online directory and marketing platform that helps members promote their work and for art lovers to discover local artistic talent. They also have an online marketplace with a dedicated gallery at 10 Langton Place, Bury St Edmund's, Suffolk. Suffolk artist who have exhibited with Art in East Anglia include Klair Bauly; Jane Beaumont, Mark Dresh, Juli Fejer, Sarah Johnson, Linda Leong-Son, Charles Edward Overbury, Kevin Southgate, Clare Steward, Andrea Stewart, Gabrielle Stoddart, Verity Watkins, Michelle Watson and Patrick Wilkins.
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David Marsh - Drinkstone, Suffolk