WARD, Richard Charles

1957 - 1997

Richard Charles Ward was born at Aldeburgh, Suffolk on 17 June 1957, his mother's maiden name was Murphy. Richard studied at Lowestoft College of Art 1973-1978 also studying industrial ceramics and fine art at Chelsea School of Art 1983-1985, gaining a diploma in mural design. A painter working in a variety of media, watercolours, oils, and acrylics, on canvas and paper, having mixed shows at Brixton Artists' Collective with his first major solo show at Regent Road Art Centre Gallery, Lowestoft in 1973, and others included at Tudor House Gallery, now the Aldeburgh Gallery, in 1994. Richard Charles Ward lived at Aldringham, near Aldeburgh, Suffolk where he died on 18 February 1997.

Works by This Artist