1941 - ?

Peter Burman

Peter C. Burman was born at Ipswich in 1941, son of Reginald Dick Burman (10 April 1915-1987) and his wife Lily Estella née Jacobs (10 April 1914-20 November 1983), who married at Ipswich in 1935, Peter's brother is John R Burman. Peter began his career as a graphic designer producing posters and became a full-time artist in 1964. He married at Ipswich in 1962 Mona K Brown, and they lived in Ipswich. Edward Seago was the inspiration for his light-filled high-skied East Anglian landscapes and seascapes. A member of Ipswich Art Club 1964-1974 and exhibited from 9 Bridport Avenue, Ipswich in 1963 an oil painting, 'Skaters' and a watercolour 'Farm Buildings at Playford', in 1964 he had on show an oil 'Passing Storm, Hadleigh' and two watercolours 'River Brett' and 'Felixstowe Beach. In 1965 he exhibited three watercolours 'River Orwell', 'Blue Pool' and 'River Deben' and the following year an oil 'Blue Pool', in 1967 an oil 'Lily Crucifix' and in 1968, a formed plastic on plywood entitled 'White on Black' but in 1969 he had three oil painting on display 'Aldeburgh Beach', 'Morning Light, River Orwell' and 'Felixstowe Ferry' and in 1971 had a further four pictures on show. In 1981, he held his first solo exhibition at the Royal Academy Business Art Galleries 1978 and at John Martin Gallery, Albemarle Street and Oakham Contemporary, St James's, London also locally at Artspace Woodbridge.
Website: http://www.peterburmanartist.co.uk

Works by This Artist