c.1903 - c.1964

Brook Street Art Gallery at 20 Brook Street, New Bond Street is noticed in 'The Bystander' of 13 January 1904 when advertising an exhibition of 'a small collection of old masters', the previous year Mr Francis Clint (1856-1913) 'well known in Liverpool' was a director of the Brook Street Art Gallery. By 14 March 1906 they were exhibiting from 14 Brook Street. Post Second World War exhibitions include for 'Eileen Agar: Retrospective Exhibition of Paintings & Collages 1930-1964’ catalogue of an exhibition held at Brook Street Gallery, London, 29 October – 18 November 1964.' The last noted exhibition was from 24 Brook Street in December 1966 'Picasso Drawings from 1901 to 1910 and sixty years of Graphic Art.' Suffolk artists who exhibited at Brook Street Art Gallery include John Collingwood Bacon, Arthur John Trevor Briscoe, Mildred Helen Collyer and Henry George Rushbury.

There is a much later
Brook Street Gallery a London-based art gallery & consultancy representing a multi-disciplinary collective. The artists represented form a diverse cohort of nationalities and styles, each using their specialisation to challenge the conventional narrative of their chosen media.