1986 - ?

Sam Walker

Sam Walker completed his BA in Fine Art at the University of Leeds after which he spent some fifteen years working with artists and galleries, while also gaining his MA in Fine Art from Camberwell School of Arts & Crafts. In 2015 he co-founded, with James Edgar (1978-), an artist-run gallery and studio space in south London called Assembly Point in Staffordshire Street, Peckham which he ran until 2019, during which time Sam oversaw an acclaimed exhibition programme, working with many up-and-coming artists early in their careers, securing an Arts Council grant in the process. Sam is an artist, curator and printmaker now based in Suffolk and has developed a multi-disciplinary practice over the years. He is currently exploring the world of printmaking at Sudbourne Park Printmakers, having been introduced to the reduction woodcut process on a two-day workshop.
Website: https://sam-walker.co.uk

Works by This Artist