1989 - ?

Sudbourne Park Printmakers was founded as the Ufford Print Workshop in 1989 by artist and printmaker, Gareth Jones and in 2002 moved to its present premises 3 & 4 Bothy Yard, Sudbourne Park, Woodbridge, Suffolk with facilities for etching, woodcuts, mono-prints, lithography etc., and named Sudbourne Park Printmakers. A co-operative of about thirty ever-changing printmakers, sharing the well-equipped workshop at Bothy Yard, Sudbourne to make original prints using a variety of techniques including collagraphs, etching, linocut, screen printing and woodcuts. They have four antique, some say 'museum pieces', but fully functional presses, all in regular use. Two are Columbians one a huge and rare Krause etching press and the other a Kimber etching press. They offer membership, with technical support, for one day a week over thirty weeks a year. They also run six two-day courses in etching and woodcut printmaking open to all adults interested in learning these printmaking techniques or improving their skills. The work of the group may be seen at two annual exhibitions, one in the Peter Pears Gallery in Aldeburgh and the other at the Sudbourne Park workshop and many examples of the artists' works can be found under the print maker's name.

Other exhibitors include
Jan Brown
Anita Cameron
Amanda Clayton
Jennifer Golding
Sara Harrington
Jan Jefferies
Ross Loveday
Kate Mawdsley
Mary Seymour

Works by This Artist