The Arlington Gallery was owned and managed by Lucy Winifred MacDonald (1872-4 January 1951) and opened in 1923 at 22 Old Bond Street in London's West End. Lucy Winifred MacDonald, née Cary, was originally a music teacher, she married at Hammersmith on 27 Oct 1898, Scottish watercolourist William Alister Macdonald (1861-1956), who in 1923 went to live in New Zealand. Lucy was a member and from 1918, secretary of Royal Society of Miniature Painters Sculptors and Gravers and in 1921 an artist living on her own account with her uncle at 6 Penywern Road, Earl's Court and had her studio at Studio, 283 Fulham Road, S.W. 10. The gallery specialised in lesser-known artists who found difficulty in getting shows at the bigger galleries. Regular exhibitors included those of the Hampstead Society of Artists and the Royal Society of Miniature Painters Sculptors and Gravers who showed most years from the mid-1920s until the Gallery's closure. They also exhibited artists associated with textiles, glass, jewellery, tapestry and metalwork. The gallery closed in 1941 following bomb damage during the Second World War. Suffolk artists who works were exhibited at the Arlington Gallery include Harry Fidler, John Kenneth Green, Margaret E Marshall and Owen Blair Reynolds.