1983 - ?

Anglian Potters was originally founded as the East Anglian Potters Association (EAPA) in 1983 to represent all that is best in East Anglian ceramics. The association has grown over the past years to over five hundred active members. As of October 2017, they become a Company Limited by Guarantee, giving members a limit of liability of £1, and allowing them to carry out certain types of business in a professional way. Anglian Potters is a lively and thriving organisation that provides the opportunity for members to meet and share their experience and enthusiasm about clay. Anglian Potters is run entirely by volunteers from the membership. The work of its members is on its showcase pages and if you would like to learn about ceramics, there are many courses run by members. They run exhibitions throughout the year and join in with other public events around the region and run several day events per year, with nationally and internationally known potters demonstrating and talking about their work. Suffolk artists who exhibit with Anglian Potters include Vivienne Burns, Cathy D'Arcy, Cally James and Andy Wright.