Field Studies Council, Flatford Mill is the first and original field study centre set up in the UK during the 1940s. It is the Centre for Constable Country, set amidst the quintessentially English countryside of the Dedham Vale in Suffolk and sits on the banks of the river Stour. Flatford Mill runs residential field study visits for school students and provides a very wide range of natural history and art courses. Customers stay in their internationally important buildings such as Willy Lotts’ House, built in the 1500’s and made famous by John Constable’s ‘Haywain’ painting, Valley Farm a medieval great hall built in the 1450s and the Mill itself that was owned and renovated by the Constable family in the 1700’s. On the site is Bridge Cottage just upstream from Flatford Mill which, along with neighbouring Valley Farm and Willy Lott's Cottage, are leased to the Field Studies Council; a group uses them as locations for arts-based courses. Suffolk artists associated with Flatford Mill include John Hirst Addyman, Jennifer Andrews, Wendy Brooke-Smith, Eric Arnold Roberts Ennion, Carole Massey, Mary Newcomb, Andrew Pitt, Paul Reginald Quail and Sula Rubens.
Website: https://www.field-studies-council.org