2010 - ?

Iceni Botanical Artists was founded in February 2010 when some twenty-three members held their first exhibition 'For the Love of Flowers' at the Edmund Gallery, Bury St. Edmunds, Suffolk. The show was a great success and highlighted the varying styles of members some artists enjoyed painting plant portraits with accurate detail, others had great skill at capturing habitat landscapes or more impressionistic representations. They have held one or two exhibitions a year, moving locations to Galleries in Cambridgeshire, Norfolk, and Suffolk. In 2014 they worked on a three year 'Breaking New Ground' Project funded by a Heritage Lottery Grant, teaching the painting of the wildflowers, insects, local landscapes, and fungi. IBA members produced forty-five plant portraits of some of the rare and endangered wildflowers of the Breckland area and the whole display was taken on a touring exhibition to six locations, including the R.H.S. in London and 'Breckland Wild Flowers–Heaths and Grasslands' was published in 2016.