1965 - ?

Jane Stocks

As Amanda Jane Lowton, she was born at St Helens, Lancashire in 1965, daughter of Clifford Lowton (born 1946) and his wife Joan née Livingstone, who married at St Helen's in 1964, her mother was a tailor, and daughter Jane has always had an interest in textiles which sometimes reflects in her work. Jane studied at Ipswich School of Art and obtained her B.A. Fine Arts degree from Suffolk College in Ipswich. She married at St Helens in 1985, John Dominic Stocks and paints under the name of Jane Stocks with a studio at Framlingham, Suffolk. Jane has exhibited with the Holywells Creatives and at The Freudian Sheep Gallery, St Helens Street, Ipswich in 2014 and at Prettys Art, Ipswich in 2015.

Works by This Artist