1936 - ?

Anthony Frank Richards was born at Bristol on 11 November 1936, his mother's maiden name was Morgan. Winning a state scholarship to study at Weston-super-Mare Art College, now UC Weston College, remaining for a year, obtaining an intermediate pass in 1952 and progressing to study for a National Diploma at Taunton, now Somerset College of Art. After National Service 1956-1958, Tony studied on a bursary, which he won for drawing, at the Royal College of Art and then trained as a graphic designer with Henri Kay Henrion (1919-1990) before taking a position as senior designer with I.C.I. Central Publicity. In 1969 he joined the Open University as Design Manager responsible for designing and producing their printed media, moving in 1977 to the City of Leicester Polytechnic as leader of the Graphic Design, Illustration, Broadcast Graphics and Animation Courses then moving on to the University of Leicester to develop the staff courses in Art and Design at Nene College now the University of Northampton. As part of staff development, Tony studied part-time for two M.A.'s, a M.Ed. and is a Fellow of the Chartered Society of Designers. During his working life Tony has always painted and is a figurative painter working exclusively from life, working in a wide range of media, including oil, watercolour, and pastel, and is primarily interested in the way subtle nuances of light affect a subject which he observes in and around Suffolk and on his travels. Drawing underpins all his work which allows his painting to develop by shaping the elements in tone and colour simultaneously, with the final painting an outcome of constantly refining and adjusting his work. He married in Surrey in 1985 Heather M. Williams and works from his studio at 9 Somerville Lea, Aldeburgh, Suffolk.

Works by This Artist