1921 - ?

University of Leicester

The University was founded as Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland University College in 1921. The site for the University was donated by a local businessman, Thomas Fielding Johnson, to create a living memorial for all local people who made sacrifices during the First World War. This is reflected in the University's motto Ut vitam habeant – 'so that they may have life'. Students were first admitted to the college in 1921, sitting examinations for external degrees awarded of the University of London. In 1927 the institution became University College, Leicester and thirty years later the college was granted its Royal Charter. This gave it the status of a University with the right to award its own degrees. The main campus is a mile south of the city centre, adjacent to Victoria Park and Wyggeston and Queen Elizabeth I College. The central building, now known as the Fielding Johnson Building, houses the University's administration offices and Leicester Law School. Adjacent to the Fielding Johnson Building are the Astley Clarke Building and the Danielle Brown Sports Centre. The 18-storey Attenborough Tower, housing several departments within the College of Social Sciences, Arts and Humanities, has one of the very few remaining paternosters in the UK. The Ken Edwards Building, built in 1995, lies adjacent to the Fielding Johnson Building.