1843 - ?

The Coventry School of Design was opened in a former ribbon warehouse on St. John's Bridges in 1843. A new School of Art opened on Ford Street in 1863. In 1954 a new building for what was then called the College of Art was opened at Cope Street with an annexe at Hill Crest, Radford Road, and at the former
Provident Dispensary in Priory Street. In 1964 work began on another new building on Cox Street near the new Lanchester College of Technology, with which the College of Art, along with Rugby College of Engineering, merged in 1970 to form Lanchester Polytechnic, now Coventry University. Named after the artist Graham Sutherland, the building is being refurbished as part of the University's redeveloped arts and humanities facilities. Coventry School of Art at Cox Street, Coventry. Suffolk tutors at Coventry include Walter Ashworth, Ted Atkinson and William Henry Milnes and Suffolk artists who studied at Coventry include Robin Hazlewood, Susie Mendelsson and Sue Stroud.