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Southbank Printmakers

Southbank Printmakers Gallery is situated in Gabriel's Wharf, 56 Upper Ground, London SE1 9PP close to the river Thames. It is a lively and popular area for London inhabitants and visitors alike, with restaurants and other unique artist run shops nearby, and only a short walk to the Tate Modern, National Theatre, Festival Hall and OXO Tower. Southbank Printmakers is run as a co-operative and staffed by the artists on a rota system, which means that the public always have an expert on hand to explain techniques and answer questions. All prints at Southbank are original limited editions encompassing a wide variety of styles and techniques. Works in the gallery are completely re-hung every two months and there is always a large selection of unframed work, and the gallery sells quality original prints at accessible prices and is open 7 days a week. Suffolk artist exhibitor at Southbank Printmakers is Federico Baca.

Works by This Artist