In 1989, in a conversation at the Chelsea Arts Club, with Peter Charles Peterson (1934-), Sandra Pepys (1942-), Dennis Gilbert (1922-), Cynthia Boyd (also known as Cinzia Bonada) and others it was mentioned that many of them often painted small scale works and that it would be innovative idea if there were a forum for exhibiting such works. The potential membership was discussed, and a shortlist of names agreed on and the Small Paintings Society, subsequently renamed the Small Paintings Group, was founded. The inaugural exhibition of the Small Paintings Group was at the Duncan Miller Gallery, 17 Flask Walk, Hampstead NW3 starting on the 1 December 1991. It was composed of some thirty painters which formed the founding membership of the Group. Membership consists of a maximum of thirty-five artists, many of whom also belong to other exhibiting societies who also paint on a much larger scale. The paintings exhibited with the SPG are limited to 12" by 12" or 144 square inches in area and may be in any medium and the discipline involved in making small and intimate paintings demands a conciseness and directness all of its own and their affiliation to the Small Paintings Group reflects their appreciation of a forum where they can exhibit their smaller ‘cabinet’ sized paintings in sympathetic company in different venues across the country. Suffolk artists members of the Small Paintings Group include John Crossley.