ASKEW, Felicity Katherine Sarah

1894 - ?

Felicity Katherine Sarah Askew was born at Chelsea, London on 19 December 1894, daughter of Scottish born John Bertram Askew (1869-), third son of Bertram Askew Robertson of Pallinsburn, Northumberland, and his wife Fredericka Louisa Dallas (1867-1918), eldest daughter of Col. George Frederick Dallas, who married at St Peter's Church, Eaton Square, London on 1 July 1893. Felicity was a pupil of German sculptor Max Kruse (1854-1942), artist William Frank Calderon (1865-1943) and Italian sculptor Ernesto Bazzaro (1859-1937). A painter, sculptor, and black & white artist but she spent seven years in horse racing stables living at Prospect House Studio, Newmarket, Suffolk and where she was living in 1921. She exhibited at the Paris Salon; Permanenta, Milan; Goupil Gallery; Grosse Berliner Kunstausstelling; the Walker Art Gallery and the Society of Scottish Artists. She was living at Castle Hills, Berwick-on-Tweed 1923-1927 from where she exhibited her works, including in August 1923 sketches of racehorses at Newmarket and in 1924 at Dodd's Gallery in Berwick-on-Tweed and in several galleries in the North of England and in Scotland. As Felicity Askew she then seems to have taken up acting and appeared in several plays in Scotland and the North of England in the 1950s including in Kirkcaldy in 1956.

Works by This Artist