BAKER, Bernard Granville

1870 - 1957

Bernard Granville Baker was born at Poona [Pune] in India on 23 October 1870, eldest son of Montagu Bernard Baker (27 July 1842-22 June 1901), who was in the service of East India Company, and his wife Harriet Fanny Baugh (3 October 1850-14 May 1901), second daughter of Lt Col Charles Richard Baugh, who married at Christ Church, Malligaura, Bombay, India on 22 September 1868. Bernard was educated at Winchester and the Military Academy at Dresden. After joining the army, he served in 21st Hussars in India and Burma, joining the 9th Royal Prussian Hussars, Imperial Yeomanry in South Africa 1900-1901 and commanded the 13th Battalion the Yorkshire Regiment 1914-1918 being awarded the Distinguished Service Order (DSO) in 1918 and retired as Lieut-Col the following year. Bernard married at St Phillip's Church, Kensington, London on 29 September 1897, Lorina Baker née Hartley, youngest daughter of Revd Alfred Octavius Hartley, of St Mary’s Church, Bungay, Suffolk, and his wife Ann Jefferson Knubley. Bernard was a Justice of the Peace for the county of Suffolk and elected a Fellow of the Royal Geographical Society and a Fellow of the Royal Historical Society. Known as B Granville Baker, as well as being a prolific author such as 'Blithe waters: Sheaves out of Suffolk', 'The Walls of Constantinople', 'From a Terrace in Prague' and 'The Passing of the Turkish Empire in Europe' and others he was also a competent military painter who exhibited at the Walker Art Gallery and London Salon 1914-1930 from London in 1914 and Beccles in 1929. Granville 1928-1957 and his wife 1928-1932 were members of the Ipswich Art Club and in 1932 he exhibited from St Mary's Road, Beccles, Suffolk, two water-colours 'A Yeoman in Kent' and 'L. Tolmache fight Renold Rous for the Head of Edith Fox' and in 1933 'Bandsman, 12th Foot, about 1834' and 'In the Mall 1932'. Bernard Granville Baker lived at The Cage, St Mary’s Road, Beccles, Suffolk and died on 12 March 1957.

Works by This Artist