BRANWHITE, Nathan Cooper

1775 - 1857

Nathan Cooper Branwhite

Nathan Cooper Branwhite was born at Lavenham, Suffolk on 27 January 1775, the 1851 census incorrectly gives his birthplace as St Alban’s, Hertfordshire, eldest son of Peregrine Branwhite (1745-1795), a Lavenham schoolmaster, and his wife Sarah née Brooke. His father Peregrine was baptised at Lavenham on 22 July 1745 and remained at Lavenham until shortly before his death in London in 1795. Nathan studied under engraver Isaac Taylor (1759-1829) at Lavenham, and he moved to Bristol around 1810. An English miniature portrait painter, watercolourist, and engraver, who exhibited engravings, miniatures, and small portraits at the Royal Academy from 1802. A gifted artist who was a member of the Bristol School of artists, who painted his sitters with considerable vitality and character and was Bristol's leading miniature portrait painter in the 1820s. He participated in the sketching activities of the Bristol School and was a friend of artist Edward Bird (1772-1819) and James Johnson (1803-1834) and in 1824 one of the organisers of the first exhibition of local artists at the new Bristol Institution. In 1832, he exhibited several works at the first exhibition of the newly formed Bristol Society of Artists, also exhibiting at the Bristol Institution. He married at St Nicholas church, Bristol on 3 September 1812, Hannah Burnell (c1788-10 December 1867) and they had at least four children with sons Nathan (1813-1894) and Charles (7 June 1817-15 February 1880) both becoming artists. Nathan Cooper Branwhite died at Clifton, Bristol on 18 March 1857 and buried in Arnos Vale Cemetery, Bristol.

Royal Academy Exhibits
1802 ?
from 4 City Square, London
1807 841 Portrait of Mr Lanchester
from Queen's Square, Bristol
1822 217 Portrait of H. H. Baily, Esq.
from 1 College Green, Bristol
1824 622 Portrait of the Dean of Bristol
         784 Portrait of G. Cumberland, Esq.
1825 743 Portrait of the Rev. Dr. Randolph
1828 816 Portrait of Dr. Spurzheim

Works by This Artist