STANNARD, William John

1813 - 1880

William John Stannard was baptised at St Nicholas Church, Ipswich on 2 May 1813, son of John Stannard, a hairdresser, and his wife Sarah née Farr. A member of the Ipswich Society of Professional & Amateur Artists from 1832, where he was tutored by Henry Davy. In 1847 he painted an oil on card 'Battery at Harwich Harbour' 20cm x 25cm which is in the collection of the Colchester and Ipswich Museums Service, and he exhibited a watercolour at the Society of British Artists at Suffolk Street in 1848. He married at Bloomsbury, London in 1842, Agnes Stewert and in 1843 is listed as a law stationer at Warwick Court, Holborn about which time he seems to have taken up lithography in partnership with Alexander Rae, trading as 'Stannard & Rae' of Gray’s Inn, this partnership with Alexander Rae, lithographers in New Street Square, Fleet Street, London, was dissolved on 15 June 1860. In 1851, Stannard was a 36 [sic] year-old lithographer, living at 8 Gray's Inn Place, Holborn, London with his 36-year-old wife Agnes, born at Edinburgh, and a 17-year-old [step?]son Herbert, born in London, a lithographer's apprentice. William John Stannard retired to Oxford where he lived under the name Harry Saunders. William John Stannard of 24 Holywell Street, Oxford, illuminator and engraver, a widower, died on Magdalen Bridge, Oxford on 4 July 1880. He was the author of a privately published 'The Art Exemplar' (1859) which contains some 156 photographs, and 'Anaglyptography: Medallion Engraving for Book Illustration' (1859). He is sometimes conflated with William Thomas Stannard (1815-1895)

Works by This Artist