Oxford Printmakers Workshop was established in 1976 by a group of artists, many of them ex-Ruskin School of Drawing students, to create a venue where they could continue their work. Their current premises in Tyndale Road, off the Cowley Road, in East Oxford, were leased from the Christadelphian Church in 1977, helped by a grant from Southern Arts of £3,000 when a transformation of the premises into a print workshop was undertaken voluntarily by Oxford Printmakers members. On 11 February 1978, a formal constitution having been developed, with the workshop registered with the Industrial and Provident Societies, a co-operative status was established and the workshop officially opened and in the autumn 1978 held the first print workshop. With an active membership, the workshop has flourished over the four decades with National Lottery funding in 1995 enabling facilities to be improved further. It currently provides printmaking facilities and access to state of the art presses for over 100 members. Many are professional artists who regularly participates in exhibitions around the UK and overseas. Suffolk artists who worked with Oxford Printmakers include Jules George and Valerie Thornton.
Works by This Artist