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A [Mrs] Wetherill of Ipswich exhibited at the Royal Academy in 1779 two paintings. The only notices that I have discovered of an artist by this name is a Mrs. Wetherill. She also exhibited from London at the Society of Artists of Great Britain 1773-1783.

18 January 1777 Ipswich Journal
Mrs Wetherill respectfully acquaints her friends in Ipswich and its neighbourhood, that she is returned to her house near the Bowling Green in St Nicholas parish and will continue to paint at her former prices Portraits in oil colours and Landscapes.

17 April 1779 Ipswich Journal
Portrait Painting. Mrs. Wetherill acquaints the residents of Woodbridge that her engagements oblige her to leave this place next week. She respectfully requests that such ladies and gentlemen who have not already sat for their pictures, that they will not defer it.

5 July 1779 Ipswich Journal
Ipswich Races...In Mr Moore's exhibition during the races...a justly admired head of the great Rembrandt painted by Mrs Wetherill from a picture in the possession of Angelica Kauffman.

Royal Academy Exhibits
from Ipswich
1779 345 A Landscape, with the story of Arminia, from Tasso
         346 ditto with Gypsies
1783 338 Portrait of a Lady- miniature