1926 - ?

Lefevre Gallery was established in 1926 by Alex Reid and Frenchman Ernest-Albert Lefevre, becoming known as Alex Reid & Lefèvre with its first gallery in King Street, St James’. Alex Reid had been trained in Paris with Theo van Gogh at Broussod and Valadon and had lodged with Theo’s brother Vincent. In Paris Reid was first introduced to Impressionist paintings with which he dealt from his gallery in Glasgow 1889-1926 before joining Lefevre in a new gallery Reid sendimg his son A.J. MacNeil Reid to London the run the new enterprise. The gallery exhibited Impressionist and Modern art and showed such renowned artists as George Seurat, Henri Matisse, Degas, Amadeo Modigliani, Picasso, Renoir, Cezanne, Salvador Dali, Balthus, Kandinsky and in 1945 Francis Bacon. Gerald Corcoran joined Reid and Lefevre in 1947 and closed the gallery at 30 Bruton Street, W1 as of April 2002. A company was incorporated as Lefevre Fine Art Ltd in 2002, and is now run by Alexander Corcoran specialising in Impressionist, Modern and Contemporary International and European paintings, drawings, and sculptures privately active in the art world.
Website: https://www.lefevrefineart.com