The Guild of Aviation Artists, originally known as the Society of Aviation Artists, held its first exhibition at the Guildhall, London in 1954 when its membership consisted of professional artists. In 1958 another entity started in London, known as the Kronfeld Aviation Art Society. It seems to have merged into the Kronfeld Aviation Society which was founded in 1958 and replaced by the present Guild of Aviation Artists, which held its first exhibition at the Royal Aeronautical Society in 1971 with the founding President of Frank Anthony Albert Wootton (1914-1998) being succeeded by Michael Turner (1934-), a former Kronfeld member. The Guild of Aviation Artists at Studio 100, 161 High Street, Ruislip is recognised throughout the world as the premier society for the promotion of aviation art. With around 250 members, the Guild brings together the worlds of art and aviation and stages exhibitions and events across the UK. Suffolk artist and an inaugural member the Society of Aviation Artists was Cuthbert Julian Orde and other Suffolk members of the Guild of Aviation Artists include Bill Crockford.