DAN, John

1930 - 1983

John Chamberlain Dan was born at Epsom, Surrey on 28 October 1930, son of Frederick Harry Dan (21 April 1898-4 February 1972), a carpenter, and his wife Etta Phyllis née Chamberlain (13 October 1892-26 November 1974) who married at Epsom, Surrey in 1925 and in 1939 were living at Ernest Road, Wivenhoe, Essex. John's wife was artist Pamela Margaret Dan (22 January 1938-8 May 2018) née Watson who married at Colchester in 1961. Dan oversaw the pottery department at the Ipswich School of Art in St George's Street/High Street, Ipswich at the time of the opening of the new college in 1961 and, together with Freda Sage, was teaching pottery at Ipswich Civic College, now the Suffolk College, at the Rope Walk in 1967 and worked with Bernard Reynolds and John Alfred Green. His teaching at the Ipswich School of Art seems to have been part-time as he was also running the Wivenhoe Pottery from 1953 and was a member of the Wivenhoe Arts Club. John Chamberlain Dan died at 56 High Street, Wivenhoe, Essex on 25 October 1983.

Works by This Artist