BOOTH, Rintoul

1932 - 1978

Rintoul Booth

Daniel Rintoul Booth was born at Northampton, Western Australia on 14 May 1932, son of Revd Daniel Lunn Booth (19 November 1901-26 April 1950), who assisted in setting up the Bush Brotherhood, a group of Anglican religious orders providing itinerant priests to minister to sparsely settled rural districts in Western Australia, his wife was Doris Dorothy Jessie Booth (28 October 1904-1 July 1980). By 1937 the Booths were back in England when Rintoul's father was vicar of St Michael and All Angels Church, Sutton-in-Holderness, Yorkshire until 1947. In 1939, Rintoul was living at Willington, Pocklington, Yorkshire, the home of Revd Henry Newton and was an agricultural journalist and a sculptor who sculpted in bronze and unusual mediums such as brass rods, the horses sculpted include Welsh Cobs and Thoroughbreds. In 1960, appointed agricultural editor of the 'East Anglian Daily Times' in Ipswich. He married at Ipswich in 1962, Teressa C. Fortin (1938-) and they had a son and a daughter. Daniel Rintoul Booth died at Aldham, near Hadleigh, Suffolk on 10 November 1978. The author of farming books including 'Farming Handbook to end all Farming Handbooks' (1970) and 'Horseman's Book to end all Horseman's Books (1975).

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