SPEAIGHT, Alice Langford

1871 - 1973

As Alice Langford Cundy, she was born on 15 September 1871 and baptised at Marylebone, London on 6 October 1871, only daughter of the five children of George Albert Cundy (19 February 1841-12 March 1920), a jeweller who was born at Woodbridge in Suffolk, and his wife Mary Elizabeth née Langford (1847-26 March 1920), who married at Marylebone on 8 April 1869. In 1901, Alice was a 29-year-old miniature painter, living at North Quadrant, Brighton, Sussex with her parents, 60-year-old George, now a ham & beef merchant, and 54-year-old Mary, with a sibling brother, 19-year-old Arthur Batram, born at Marylebone. Alice married at St Marylebone Church on 8 April 1905, Richard Neville Speaight (7 September 1875-8 March 1938), a photographic artist, and in 1911 they were living at Burke Road, Beaconsfield, Buckinghamshire with their 4-year-old son Richard Langford. Alice exhibited at the Royal Academy both as Alice Cundy and Alice Speaight. Her husband, then Court Photographer, died at his home 49 Hill-Top, Hampstead Garden Suburb in 1938 and in 1939, Alice a widow, was living at Bryn Gwynt, Abinger Common, Dorking, Surrey but moved to Suffolk and died at Sudbury in June 1973.

Royal Academy Exhibits
as Alice Cundy from 19 Abbey Road, London NW
1898 1290 Pinky - miniature
1899 1339 Mrs George Cundy - miniature
from 104 Abbey Road, London NW
1900 1439 (catalogue page missing)
from 178 Regent Street, West London
1902 1117 A Study - miniature
1903 1206 Portrait of a Lady - miniature
         1212 Miss Mac Calcutt - miniature
         1248 Miss Bee Cripps - miniature
1904 1169 The late Dowager, Marchioness of Ormonde - miniature
as Alice Speaight from New Grove House, Hampstead Heath, London NW
1906 1263 Margaret, daughter of Rev. C. C. Julian - miniature
from Oakhill, Redington Road, Hampstead Heath, London NW
1908 1245 Celia, daughter of Charles Crompton, Esq.
         1245 A portrait - miniature
         1245 Alison, Jocelyn and Tyrrell, children of Major Frank Young - miniature
1909 986 Richard M. Speaight, Esq. - miniature
         1023 Penrhyn, son of L Godrey Turner, Esq. - miniature
from Homewood, Beaconsfield, Buckinghamshire
1911 1128 Child's Head - miniature
         1132 Lilian, daughter of Rev. F. W. Low - miniature
1912 1235 Betty, daughter of Charles F. Rowsell, Esq. - miniature
1913 1262 Mildred, wife of G. W. Hart, Esq. - miniature
from 157 New Bond Street, West London
1914 1473 A Portrait - miniature
         1475 Miss Sylvia de Grasse Fox - miniature
         1490 Kenneth, son of Arthur M. Myers, Esq. - miniature
1915 1326 H.R.H. Prince Albert - miniature
1916 1289 Barbara and Maria, children of Major Frank Young - miniature
         1316 Alban Low - miniature
1918 1137 Mrs. Oscar Coles - miniature
         1152 H. M. The King of the Belgians - miniature
1919 1108 Unity, daughter of G. P. Bainbridge, Esq. - miniature
from The Corner Cottage, Beaconsfield, Buckinghamshire
1924 939 The Green Dress - miniature

Works by This Artist