ASSENMACHER, Mlle Eugѐnie Olga

1885 - 1953

Eugènie Olga Assenmacher was born on 5 July 1885 and is sometimes known as Olga Eugènie Assenmacher. A French mistress at Belstead House, Aldeburgh, Suffolk, a girl's boarding school. A painter in oils of landscapes, figures and flowers and an associate member of the Ipswich Art Club 1929-1939 and exhibited from Belstead House, Aldeburgh including in 1930 ‘Tulips’, in 1932 ‘Mother and Child’, in 1933 'Sunlight', in 1935 'The Village Girl’ and 'Aidy, Rachel, Paul', in 1936 ‘Helford Village, Cornwall’, in 1937 'Madoan' and was still living at Aldeburgh in 1939. Eugènie Olga Assenmacher was living at 'Bergholt', 4 Crescent Drive, South Woodingdean, Brighton when she died in the Royal Sussex Hospital on 11 November 1953, aged 68, she was unmarried.