RAY, Kate

1855 - 1935

Kate Ray was baptised at St Peter & St Paul Church, Clare Suffolk on 30 March 1855, eldest child of Charles Ray (23 February 1813-30 July 1893), a miller & maltster, and his wife Adelaide Chickall (31 March 1831-29 January 1915), eldest daughter of Charles Chickall of Bradfields, Pentlow, Essex who married at Clare on 27 April 1854. In 1861, Kate was a 6-year-old, living at Water Mill, Wells Lane, Clare with her parents, 48-year-old Charles and 30-year-old Adelaide, with sibling brother Charles 2. In 1881, still living at the same address from where she exhibited at the Ipswich Fine Art Club in 1883 'a plaque' (594). In 1891, a visitor at the Convent at Community House, Bath Hills, Ditchingham, Norfolk and in 1901 a Sister of Mercy at Horbury, Wakefield, Yorkshire. Kate Ray was of The Convent, 56 Eccleston Square, London W.1, when she died at The Grove Nursing Home, 74 Chesterton Road, Cambridge on 28 October 1935.