Mary Fitch was born at Ipswich on 11 January 1797 and baptised on 5 March 1797, daughter of Samuel Fitch (-1815), a druggist, and his wife Elizabeth née Stevenson, who married at Norwich on 17 February 1792, Mary was a sister to William Stevenson Fitch (17 November 1792-17 July 1859) of Ipswich and of Robert Fitch (1802-1895) who moved to Norwich in 1827. Mary was an exhibitor, giving no address, at the Norwich Society of Artists from 1816, showing six still life works 'five of which were after Sillett' and six the following year. In 1818, she exhibited five still life paintings from Ipswich and three in 1819, again with no address, eight in 1820 and five in 1821. In 1822, from an address in Norwich she had four paintings on show. Mary Fitch died at Ipswich in 1863, she was unmarried.