BUXTON, Peter Charles

1925 - 1979

Peter Charles Buxton was born at Rochford, Essex on 29 March 1925, only child of Stanley Charles Buxton (27 April 1899-2 March 1984) and his wife Doris May Jew (September 1898-5 February 1987), only daughter of William Jew of Charlton, who married at Shooter's Hill Road Baptist Church, Blackheath, London on 23 September 1922. In 1939, Peter Buxton was evacuated to 81 Ambrose Street, Bangor, Caernarvonshire, the home of David William Cale, a sail maker & rigger, and his wife Blodwen. Peter trained as an architect but seems to have 'dropped out' and roamed about Walberswick, Suffolk. When Donnagh Mckenna arrived in Walberswick in 1976, he found Buxton living in a packing case on the foreshore near East Point and later offered him the use of an old gypsy caravan on the edge of the marsh. Later still, Francesca Wilson, recognising kindred spirit, offered him a potting shed in the garden of Creek Cottage, where he maintained his independence. Peter Charles Buxton died at Walberswick in late 1979. (Artists at Walberswick - Richard Scott. 2002)