1925 - 2006

Raymond Rushton was born on 7 December 1925, son of George Rushton (born 10 August 1894), a factory foreman, and his wife Nellie née Ball (19 November 1896-19 February 1973), who married at Barton upon Irwell in 1919. In 1939, Ray was a 14-year-old 'office boy', living at 32 Great Stone Road, Stretford, Lancashire with his parents George and Nellie. He married in Norfolk in 1952, Audrey Elsie Ling (1931-12 November 2012). Ray was an associate member of the Ipswich Art Club 1967-1973 and exhibited from The Studio, 73 Brook Street, Colchester, Essex in 1965, an oil 'I Know No. 1', in 1966 'Sliding Forms' and in 1967 an oil & collage 'Control'. Raymond Rushton died at Colchester on 26 May 2006.

Works by This Artist