BOND, Maia

1889 - 1971

Marie Louise Bond was born at Crown Terrace, Anlaby Road, Kingston-Upon-Hull, Yorkshire on 22 April 1889 and baptised on 28 May 1889, daughter of Francis Bond (1850-28 January 1918), headmaster of Hull and East Riding College and an author, and his first wife Marie Olivie née Berg, only daughter of Harald Berg, of Hovie, Christiania Fiord, who married at Haslums, Kirke, Oslo, Norway on 15 May 1888. Young Marie's 26-year-old mother died in childbirth in 1889 and in 1891, Marie was a one-year-old, living at Crown Terrace, with her 40-year-old widowed father, who retained three servants. Her father married secondly at Weeton Church, Hull on 19 December 1891, Ada Carr, youngest daughter of Thomas Bowring Carr (1825-1893) of North Ferriby, Yorkshire. In 1911, Marie was a 21-year-old, living at Stafford House, Duppas Road, Croydon with her father Francis, 45-year-old stepmother Ada, and three stepsiblings, William Linskill 18, Charles Nesbitt 16 and Marjorie 15. During the First World War, Marie served in the First Aid Nursing Yeomanry Corps and in 1921 was an 'out of work' school teacher at St Felix School, Southwold' living at Uplands, 54 Ashburton Road, Croydon with two indoor servants but by 1926 was a schoolteacher at St Felix School, Southwold, Suffolk living at 20 Field Stile Road, Southwold when she sailed, with her companion, 36-year-old lecturer, Nellie Henderson, on the 'Ranchi' for Gibraltar. In 1939, a schoolteacher, living at Garth, Reydon, Southwold, Suffolk with a fellow teacher at St Felix School, Nellie Gray Henderson (16 January 1890-19 November 1943). As Maia L. Bond, an associate member of the Ipswich Art Club 1942-1958, who exhibited from Garth, Reydon in 1943, three works 'Market Place, Laycock', 'The Brewery, Southwold' and 'River Parret and Langport', in 1944 three works 'Interior of Blythburgh Church', 'A Dark Corner in Blenheim Park' and 'Cottage at Reydon, Southwold', in 1945 one painting 'Barn at Boxford', in 1946 two pictures, in 1947 three pictures 'Grange in Borrowdale', 'The Castle, Ludlow' and 'Cloud over Skiddaw', in 1948 two pictures 'Old Yarn Market, Dunster' and 'Greenheys Guest House, Snape' and in 1949 'Farm Buildings at Raydon' and 'Entrance to Borrowdale'. In 1950, she exhibited from 78 High Street, Southwold two paintings 'Hotels at Painswick' and 'The Font, Blythburgh'. She exhibited at the Ipswich Art Club for the last time in 1954, from 78 High Street, Southwold, 'River Finnan, Crianlarich' but continued her subscription to the Art Club until 1958. Marie Louise Bond died at Granville House, 78 High Street, Southwold on 17 April 1971, she was unmarried. She signed her works 'Maia Bond'.

Works by This Artist