BARKAWAY, Winifred

1915 - 2010

As Winifred Aylott, she was born at Wandsworth, London on 3 March 1915, daughter of James Horace Aylott, an artist & amusement caterer, and his wife Mary Ann née Westbrook, who married at Wandsworth in 1898. In 1939, Winifred was an unmarried domestic servant, living at 74 North Denes Road, Great Yarmouth, Norfolk, the home of Russell Johnson, a works manager. Winifred married at Great Yarmouth in 1940, Aubrey Davidson Barkaway (born 19 February 1903), a piano tuner & repairer, and painted under the name of Winifred Barkaway. A member of the Ipswich Art Club 1944-1945 and exhibited from 67 Dales View Road, Ipswich in 1944, four works 'Breeze', 'Prince', 'Crofton' and 'Paddy' and in 1945 two items, 'Pat' (from life) and an embroidery. Winifred Barkaway lived the last few years of her life at Halstead Lodge Nursing Home in Essex where she died, after a lengthy illness, on the 27 February 2010.