WOODROFFE, Gertrude Susannah

1868 - 1938

Gertrude Susannah Woodroffe was born at Beccles, Suffolk on 23 November 1868 and baptised on 7 May 1871, daughter of Thomas Augustus Woodroffe (1836-10 January 1919), a builder & contractor, and his wife Margaret Ann Reeve (5 October 1845-October 1890), youngest daughter of farmer James Reeve, who married Beccles Church on 30 April 1864. A Miss Woodroffe of Northgate Street, Beccles was a member of the Ipswich Fine Art Club 1893-1897. In 1891, Thomas Woodroffe was a widower, living at Northgate Street, Beccles with five of his children, Eliza Maria 26, Gertrude 22, Thomas William 17, Mabel Reeve 11, and Grace Katharine 10, all Beccles born. Gertrude's sister Eliza Maria, married in 1891, Charles Henry Shipston and in 1901 sister Gertrude Susannah was unmarried and residing with a 33-year-old cousin, Walter Reeve Shipston (1868-17 April 1933), a clerk, at Drybridge Hill, Woodbridge, Suffolk whom she married later that year. In 1911, the two sisters, now both Shipston's, were living at Market Hill, Woodbridge with their 75-year-old father Thomas. Gertrude Susannah Shipston died at 35 Humber Doucy Lane, Ipswich on 10 March 1938, aged 69.

Works by This Artist