FIFE, Robert Bainbridge
Robert Bainbridge Fife was born at Poona, India on 9 December 1869, son of Lt. Gen. James George Fife, R.E. (12 September 1824-23 December 1894) and his wife Katharine Alice née Wharton (1835-15 May 1917), who married at Trinity Church, Marylebone, London on 11 April 1861. Robert married at Goring Parish Church, Berkshire on 27 October 1896, Alice Emily Gibbs (8 September 1867-1943), third daughter of John Dixon Gibbs and in 1911, Robert was a 41-year-old major in the Royal Artillery, living at Endymion House, Salisbury Road, Dover with his 41-year-old wife Alice, their only child had died. A regular soldier and as a Lieut. Col. awarded a D.S.O. during the First World War. A member of the Ipswich Art Club 1934-1942 and exhibited from Beacon Oaks, Little Bealings, near Ipswich in 1934, a watercolour 'Study of Oak Trees'. In 1939, a retired Lieut. Col., living at Beacon Oaks, Little Bealings, near Ipswich with his wife Alice, who died at Reading, Berkshire in 1943. Robert Bainbridge Fife was of Querton, Manor Road, Goring, Oxfordshire when he died at Thames Bank Nursing Home, Goring on 12 January 1949, aged 80.