1952 - ?

Geraldine Patey

As Geraldine Stevenson, she was born at Ipswich in 1952, daughter of Charles Francis Stevenson (5 May 1908-30 September 1999) and his second wife Marion Christine née Lee (22 July 1920-1971) who married in 1947. Initially tutored by her mother in both music and art, she was painting in Winsor and Newton oils by the age of eight and conducting and holding her own dance classes at the age of sixteen. Her mother taught her the Victorian technique of painting with oils on velvet and she has developed a technique of using acrylics on Hahne Muhle velour pastel paper to instruct her students and other members of her family. She has also developed her own method of Chinese brush painting. Geraldine married at Ipswich in 1979, Peter J. Patey and paints under the name Geraldine Patey and Geraldine Stevenson-Patey. An artist in acrylic, oil, watercolour and drawing and has developed painting with acrylic on velvet or velour paper which she demonstrates to students but prefers to work with oil on velvet for herself. A professional artist and musician and have developed a friendly and relaxed atmosphere for those interested in this new kind of workshop. Geraldine has also developed a series of printed open cards which are available at Stillwater Books, 36 Hamilton Road, Felixstowe, with some of her paintings available at the Stables Gallery and Framing Workshop, Kirton, near Felixstowe. She shares her skills and knowledge which combine Art with Music at her themed Art Days/workshops and uses music to support the themes and ideas. A non-opening member of Suffolk Open Studios from Nacton, near Ipswich.

Works by This Artist