BALDRY, David Campbell
David Campbell Baldry was born in the Blyth district of Suffolk in 1956, son of Francis Arthur H. Baldry (5 March 1909-1989) and his wife Sheila Margaret née Campbell (13 November 1927-), who married at Bridgwater, Somerset in 1950. David studied at Ipswich School of Art, Brighton Polytechnic School of Art and Slade School of Fine Art, where he studied sculpture. After leaving the Slade, he worked as a photographer in Rome and, during his early and developing career in sculpture, was invited to be the Visiting Artist and then Art Master at Harrow School. Sculpture has always been his core interest; however, he has developed a wide range of interests including drawing, printmaking, photography and more recently, architectural practice. David has taught across many age ranges and on a variety of courses and as Senior Lecturer at School of Arts and Humanities and Head of Fine Art, Film and Photography at the University Campus Suffolk has led a cluster of courses at UCS including B.A. (hons) Fine Art, B.A. (hons) Film and B.A. (hons) Photography. He has exhibited at the Strand Gallery, Aldeburgh; Christchurch Mansion, Ipswich; Red Dot Gallery - Ipswich; Minories, Colchester also at Crypt Gallery at St Pancras, London; Centre for Graphic Art, Duhok, Iraq; Venice Biennale, Venice; Vjugovey, Victory Park, Moscow and elsewhere.
Works by This Artist
Dark SpaceDrawing